Installation of Bro. Bryan Sydney Henshaw at Southport Mark Lodge 473
Thursday 2nd March 2017
Duke Street Masonic Hall, Southport was the venue for one of the most wonderful Installations it was ever possible to witness. There was a palpable buzz around the room as the ceremony was about to get under way. Despite a couple of last minute enforced changes, the Lodge was opened on time.
WM with Officers who assisted during the Installation
Once all the general business had been concluded the main part of the evening unfolded. The Installing Master, W.Bro Roy Hedges took a sip of water, a deep breath and began the Installation. He delivered his words crisply and very sincerely. Once the Master Elect had been Obligated, those below the Rank of an Installed Master in the Mark Degree were requested to withdraw for a short while and then W. Bro Hedges completed the Inner Workings, with great skill. Much to the delight of those able to see the whole ceremony.
WM with Rep,  W.Bro John Forster and PGM’s Special Rep, W.Bro Kevin Collins
Once the remained Brethren were re-admitted, there followed some superb faultless addresses. W,Bro John Ryan presented the Keystone Jewel, W.Bro Chris Hamilton, presented the Address to the Master.  The Rep, W.Bro John Forster looked over to your intrepid reporter and whispered ”How do I follow those?” Needless to say, he did admirably, closely followed by W.Bro Maurice Evans who did the Address to the Wardens and the Provincial Junior Warden, W.Bro Alan Fairhurst delivered the Address to the Overseers.
Fun is clearly the focus of the evening,t he photo was taken BEFORE the Festive Board
It was clearly evident that all the Officers who had taken part had spent a huge amount of time in getting the ceremony absolutely spot on. This was also transferred to the remaining Members and guests who had been privileged to have seen such a marvellous Installation.  The whole evening epitomised the fun and enjoyment of Mark Masonry.
WM congratulated, W.Bro John Forster
We were then treated to an equally wonderful meal at a very relaxed Festive Board. When the time came for the WM to address all the Brethren, he remarked that his career in Mark Masonry had been interrupted, through other circumstances, but urged anyone who joins the Mark Degree,  not to wait 42 years from Advancement, to attaining the Chair!!!!
W.Bro Roy Hedges, Installing Master congratulates the new WM
I am grateful for W.Bro Brian Povey who took the photos.
Words by W.Bro Kevin Collins. P.Pr.G.J.W  PGM’s Special Representative